Charlotte Grace One Christ Church Photo and Video Disclaimer
Charlotte Grace One Christ Church (G1C) reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by G1C, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. G1C may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by G1C including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, websites, worship or event recordings on YouTube channels, etc.
To ensure the privacy of all individuals, images will not be identified using names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, or in the case of minors, the subject's parent or legal guardian.
Anyone attending a G1C event who does not wish to have their image recorded for distribution should contact G1C at If you are writing to have a photo removed from the website, please specify the page, URL, and brief description of the image, so that we can respond to your request.
In the absence of a written request otherwise, your participation in a G1C event means that you agree to release, defend, hold harmless, and indemnify G1C from any and all claims involving the use of your picture or likeness.
Any person or organization not affiliated with G1C may not use, copy, alter or modify G1C photographs, graphics, videos or other audio, visual, or media files without the advance written permission from G1C.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!
夏洛特沐恩基督教会 (G1C)保留使用在G1C组织的任何活动中拍摄的任何照片和录像的权利,而无需得到照片和录像中被拍摄者的明确书面许可。 G1C可以在G1C制作,使用或订约的出版物或其他媒体材料中使用照片和录像,包括但不限于:小册子,邀请函,网站,教会的YouTube频道等。